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npm run tauri info
Usage: cargo-tauri info [OPTIONS]

--interactive Interactive mode to apply automatic fixes
-v, --verbose... Enables verbose logging
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version

It shows a concise list of information about the environment, Rust, Node.js and their versions as well as some relevant configurations.


This command is pretty helpful when you need to have a quick overview of your application. When requesting some help, it can be useful that you share this report with us.


npm run tauri init
Usage: cargo-tauri init [OPTIONS]

Skip prompting for values
-v, --verbose...
Enables verbose logging
-f, --force
Force init to overwrite the src-tauri folder
-l, --log
Enables logging
-d, --directory <DIRECTORY>
Set target directory for init [default: /home/runner/work/tauri-docs/tauri-docs]
-t, --tauri-path <TAURI_PATH>
Path of the Tauri project to use (relative to the cwd)
-A, --app-name <APP_NAME>
Name of your Tauri application
-W, --window-title <WINDOW_TITLE>
Window title of your Tauri application
-D, --dist-dir <DIST_DIR>
Web assets location, relative to <project-dir>/src-tauri
-P, --dev-path <DEV_PATH>
Url of your dev server
--before-dev-command <BEFORE_DEV_COMMAND>
A shell command to run before `tauri dev` kicks in
--before-build-command <BEFORE_BUILD_COMMAND>
A shell command to run before `tauri build` kicks in
-h, --help
Print help
-V, --version
Print version

plugin init​

npm run tauri plugin init
Usage: cargo-tauri plugin init [OPTIONS] --name <PLUGIN_NAME>

-n, --name <PLUGIN_NAME> Name of your Tauri plugin
-v, --verbose... Enables verbose logging
--api Initializes a Tauri plugin with TypeScript API
-d, --directory <DIRECTORY> Set target directory for init [default: /home/runner/work/tauri-docs/tauri-docs]
-t, --tauri-path <TAURI_PATH> Path of the Tauri project to use (relative to the cwd)
-a, --author <AUTHOR> Author name
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version


npm run tauri dev
Usage: cargo-tauri dev [OPTIONS] [ARGS]...

[ARGS]... Command line arguments passed to the runner. Use `--` to explicitly mark the start of the arguments. Arguments after a second `--` are passed to the application e.g. `tauri dev -- [runnerArgs] -- [appArgs]`

-r, --runner <RUNNER> Binary to use to run the application
-v, --verbose... Enables verbose logging
-t, --target <TARGET> Target triple to build against
-f, --features [<FEATURES>...] List of cargo features to activate
-e, --exit-on-panic Exit on panic
-c, --config <CONFIG> JSON string or path to JSON file to merge with tauri.conf.json
--release Run the code in release mode
--no-watch Disable the file watcher
--no-dev-server Disable the dev server for static files
--port <PORT> Specify port for the dev server for static files. Defaults to 1430 Can also be set using `TAURI_DEV_SERVER_PORT` env var
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version

This command will open the WebView in development mode. It makes use of the build.devPath property from your src-tauri/tauri.conf.json file.

If you have entered a command to the build.beforeDevCommand property, this one will be executed before the dev command.

See more about the configuration.


If you're not using build.beforeDevCommand, make sure your build.devPath is correct and, if using a development server, that it's started before using this command.


npm run tauri build
Usage: cargo-tauri build [OPTIONS] [ARGS]...

Command line arguments passed to the runner. Use `--` to explicitly mark the start of the arguments

-r, --runner <RUNNER>
Binary to use to build the application, defaults to `cargo`

-v, --verbose...
Enables verbose logging

-d, --debug
Builds with the debug flag

-t, --target <TARGET>
Target triple to build against.

It must be one of the values outputted by `$rustc --print target-list` or `universal-apple-darwin` for an universal macOS application.

Note that compiling an universal macOS application requires both `aarch64-apple-darwin` and `x86_64-apple-darwin` targets to be installed.

-f, --features [<FEATURES>...]
Space or comma separated list of features to activate

-b, --bundles [<BUNDLES>...]
Space or comma separated list of bundles to package.

Each bundle must be one of `deb`, `rpm`, `appimage`, `msi`, `app` or `dmg` on MacOS and `updater` on all platforms. If `none` is specified, the bundler will be skipped.

Note that the `updater` bundle is not automatically added so you must specify it if the updater is enabled.

-c, --config <CONFIG>
JSON string or path to JSON file to merge with tauri.conf.json

Skip prompting for values

-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')

-V, --version
Print version

This command will bundle your application, either in production mode or debug mode if you used the --debug flag. It makes use of the build.distDir property from your src-tauri/tauri.conf.json file.

If you have entered a command to the build.beforeBuildCommand property, this one will be executed before the build command.

See more about the configuration.


npm run tauri icon
Usage: cargo-tauri icon [OPTIONS] [INPUT]

[INPUT] Path to the source icon (png, 1024x1024px with transparency) [default: ./app-icon.png]

-o, --output <OUTPUT> Output directory. Default: 'icons' directory next to the tauri.conf.json file
-v, --verbose... Enables verbose logging
-p, --png <PNG> Custom PNG icon sizes to generate. When set, the default icons are not generated
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version

For more information, check out the complete Tauri Icon Guide.


npm run tauri completions
Usage: cargo-tauri completions [OPTIONS] --shell <SHELL>

-s, --shell <SHELL> Shell to generate a completion script for. [possible values: bash, elvish, fish, powershell, zsh]
-v, --verbose... Enables verbose logging
-o, --output <OUTPUT> Output file for the shell completions. By default the completions are printed to stdout
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version

The Tauri CLI can generate shell completions for Bash, Zsh, PowerShell and Fish.

Here are some instructions to configure Bash, Zsh and PowerShell. If you face an issue, please follow your shell's instructions instead. Note that it is recommended to check the generated completions script before executing it for security reasons.


Get the Bash completions and move to a known folder:

npm run tauri completions -- --shell bash >
mv /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/tauri.bash

Load the completions script by adding the following to .bashrc:

source /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/tauri.bash


Get the Zsh completions and move to a known folder:

npm run tauri completions -- --shell zsh > completions.zsh
mv completions.zsh $HOME/.completions/_tauri

Load the completions folder using fpath adding the following to .zshrc:

fpath=(~/.completions $fpath)
autoload -U compinit


Get the PowerShell completions and add it to the $profile file to execute it on all sessions:

npm run tauri completions -- --shell powershell > ((Split-Path -Path $profile)+"\_tauri.ps1")
Add-Content -Path $profile -Value '& "$PSScriptRoot\_tauri.ps1"'


npm run tauri --version
Returns the current version of tauri

This command will show the current version of Tauri.

CLI usage​

See more about the usage through this complete guide.