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Build an optimized, secure, and frontend-independent application for multi-platform deployment.
sh <(curl --tauri-version 1
Quick Start


Compatibility with any front-end framework means you don't have to change your stack.

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Front-of-mind for the Tauri Team driving our highest priorities and biggest innovations.

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Relicensing and redistribution is possible thanks to MIT or MIT/Apache 2.0 licensing where applicable.

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Bundle Size

By using the OS's native web renderer, the size of a Tauri app can be less than 600KB.

Cross Platform

Bundle binaries for all major desktop platforms (mobile coming soon).

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Built on Rust

With performance and security at the center, Rust is the language for the next generation of apps.

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Desktop Bundler

Bundle for all major desktops from native systems

Self Updater

Update Tauri Apps from within themselves

Core Plugin System

Build reusable plugins to extend Tauri core

Scoped Filesystem

Improved security of file interactions

App Tray

Cross-platform desktop icon tray

GitHub Action

Build your Tauri binary for macOS, Linux, and Windows

Native Notifications

Cross-platform notifications using polyfilled web API


Integrate and instrument other binaries

App Storage

Use a canonical location to store user data


Mobile Bundler

Bundle to all major mobile device operating systems

Cross Compiler

Generate bundled binaries from select operating system environments

Other Bindings

Go, Nim, Python, C++ and other bindings are possible with the stable API

One-Time Commands

Run a command that is no longer available after first run

Alternative Renderers

Candidate presentation for Webview alternatives, including GL windowing

Channel API

Send messages through a channel

Official Partners


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