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Quick Start

Tauri is compatible with almost every frontend stack. Select yours and get started!


The easiest way to scaffold a new project is the create-tauri-app utility. It provides opinionated templates for vanilla HTML/CSS/JavaScript and many frontend frameworks like React, Svelte, and Yew.

sh <(curl --tauri-version 1

Note that you do not need to follow the below guides if you use create-tauri-app, but we still recommend reading one (such as the HTML/CSS/JavaScript guide) to understand the setup.

If you're unfamiliar with web development or have no favorite frontend stack you might find the HTML/CSS/JavaScript guide the most helpful. It guides you through getting started with the most minimal frontend setup possible using either Node or Cargo.

Missing your favorite framework?

If you miss your favorite frontend framework or build tool, we're always looking for Getting Started guides! Read our contributing guidelines and help us out!