
Embedding Additional Files

You may need to include additional files in your application bundle that aren't part of your frontend (your distDir) directly or which are too big to be inlined into the binary. We call these files resources.

To bundle the files of your choice, you can add the resources property to the tauri > bundle object in your tauri.conf.json file.

See more about tauri.conf.json configuration here.

resources expects a list of strings targeting files either with absolute or relative paths. It supports glob patterns in case you need to include multiple files from a directory.

Here is a sample to illustrate the configuration. This is not a complete tauri.conf.json file:

"tauri": {
"bundle": {
"resources": [
"allowlist": {
"fs": {
"scope": ["$RESOURCE/*"]

Absolute paths and paths containing parent components (../) can only be allowed via "$RESOURCE/*". Relative paths like "path/to/file.txt" can be allowed explicitly via "$RESOURCE/path/to/file.txt".

Accessing files in JavaScript

In this example we want to bundle additional i18n json files that look like this:

"hello": "Guten Tag!",
"bye": "Auf Wiedersehen!"

In this case, we store these files in a lang directory next to the tauri.conf.json. For this we add "lang/*" to resources and $RESOURCE/lang/* to the fs scope as shown above.

Note that you must configure the allowlist to enable path > all and the fs APIs you need, in this example fs > readTextFile.

import { resolveResource } from '@tauri-apps/api/path'
// alternatively, use `window.__TAURI__.path.resolveResource`
import { readTextFile } from '@tauri-apps/api/fs'
// alternatively, use `window.__TAURI__.fs.readTextFile`

// `lang/de.json` is the value specified on `tauri.conf.json > tauri > bundle > resources`
const resourcePath = await resolveResource('lang/de.json')
const langDe = JSON.parse(await readTextFile(resourcePath))

console.log(langDe.hello) // This will print 'Guten Tag!' to the devtools console

Accessing files in Rust

This is based on the example above. On the Rust side, you need an instance of the PathResolver which you can get from App and AppHandle:

.setup(|app| {
let resource_path = app.path_resolver()
.expect("failed to resolve resource");

let file = std::fs::File::open(&resource_path).unwrap();
let lang_de: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_reader(file).unwrap();

println!("{}", lang_de.get("hello").unwrap()); // This will print 'Guten Tag!' to the terminal

fn hello(handle: tauri::AppHandle) -> String {
let resource_path = handle.path_resolver()
.expect("failed to resolve resource");

let file = std::fs::File::open(&resource_path).unwrap();
let lang_de: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_reader(file).unwrap();
